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ModISC Symposium 2025


Research Training Group 2482 / ModISC is focused on the study and modulation of ISC (Intersystem Crossing) in molecules with interdisciplinary projects from Spectroscopy, Chromophore Chemistry, Theoretical/ Computational Chemistry, Matrices as well as Science Communication.

In our Symposium ModISC related topics will be addressed. Well-known scientists from academia and industry will be invited to give insights in their research. In addition to these lectures, there also will be presentations from (post-)doctoral researchers.

This symposium will be organized by our doctoral researchers of Research Training Group 2482 / ModISC.

The symposium of Research Training Group 2482 / ModISC will take place on 10th and 11th of July 2025 at the campus of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.



Beginn: 10.07.2025
Ort: Hörsaal 6G, Geb. 26.41