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You will find the joint campus of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHU) and the Universitätsklinikums (UKD) in the south of Düsseldorf, about 3,5 km (2 miles) from the city center and the main station. The group for BIOMICS-group is located at the most southern part of campus. Building: 26.32.


Interaktive Campus Explorer (Javascript is necessary)


Campus Plan for Download (pdf)


Campus Planplan Smartphone-Version (jpg)


Public Transport

In order to find the bioinorganic chemistry group at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, please  use the bus stop Universität-Süd, or the  tram/subway stop Universität-Ost/Botanischer Garten. Below you will find links to the schedule. Especially Public Transportconvinient is the use of the Rheinbahn-App (The Rheinbahn is the provider for public transport in this area). In this app you can enter any building on campus. The app will find the appropriate stop and gives you directions from the stop to the desired building.



Link for your schedule to Universität Ost/Botanischer Garten


With the tram/subway to Universität-Ost/Botanischer Garten (terminal stop of U73/U79/704). After exiting the tram continue in the direction of travel. Than turn right. You will pass new buildings. When you have passed these buildings and before you reach the old buldings please turn to the left. You pass buildings 26.03, 26.13, 26.23 und 26.33 on your right hand side and 26.14 und 26.24 on your left hand side. You will cross on top of building 26.34 (even if you cross over building 26.34 you will not need to go uphill) until you reach the second bridge, connecting the old and the new buildings. This bridge connects 26.33/26.43 (old building) und 26.24/26.44 (new building). Turn to the right and enter the old building (Attention: You will enter the building on U1, underground 1).

After entering the building you will be in a hallway between building  26.33 (right) und 26.43 (left). To the right you will find the stairs and an elevator. Go to floor 00 and exit the stair/elevator and turn left. Take the next turn to the left in order to reach 26.33.00.


Link for the schedule to bus stop Universität Süd


Take the bus to Uni-Süd (731/735/827/835/836/SB53/SB57). Form the bus stop walk in direction of campus (If your bus was travelling in direction of downtown: walk a couple of meters back against the direction af your arrival and turn left, if your bus was travelling in direction out of town: walk a couple of meters back against the direction of your arrival and turn right.). You will pass to intersections on the left to P2 and on the right to P1, however you keep on walking straight passing buildings 25.43, 25.42, 25.41, 26.41 und 26.42 (all on your left hand side). Than you turn left between building 26.42 und 26.43 (Attention: Allready at the bridge between 26.41 und 26.42 there is a sign for 26.43, but please do not turn there! For your orientation: in-between buildings 25.41 and 26.41 the pedstrian path goes uphill, please to not turn here, in-between 26.41 und 26.42 you will see a bridge with is in some distance, please to not turn here, in-between 26.42 und 26.43 there is a bridge right in front between the two buildings, please turn here!). In front of building 26.43 there is the ZCL (chemical stock room), which is a provisional solution. This building might help your orientation. please turn left in front of the building.

When you have reached the bridge please go straigt ahead until you reach the second bridge, than turn right. After entering the building you will be in a hallway betwen building  26.33 (left) und 26.43 (right). To the left you will find the stairs and an elevator. Go to floor 00 and exit the stair/elevator and turn left. Take the next turn to the left in order to reach 26.33.00.

Here you will find a link to the Rheinbahn, where you will find all information regarding the Rheinbahn-App.
The Rheinbahn is running the public transport in Düsseldorf. The apps allows to enter a stop, an address or an POI (Point of Interest). Any building number on campus of the Heinrich-Heine-Universtät Düsseldorf can be entered as POI (picture on the right for building 26.31). The app will find the appropriate stop and gives you directions from the stop to the desired building.

Please take the train to Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof (main station). Please use the link to find your connections by public transport to campus. You will reach campus at the tram/subway stop Univerität Ost/Botanischer Garten (see above).


Typ: The link opens the schedule from main station to campus. The current time is preset. Please choose "edit search options" in oder to go to another date and time.

The airport Düsseldorf (DUS) has to train stations, Düsseldorf Flughafen Terminal und Düsseldorf Flughafen. From both train stations you can easily get to campus.


Typ: The link opens the schedule from main station to campus. The current time is preset. Please choose ""edit search options"" in oder to go to another date and time.

By Car

The mail address of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität is Universitätsstr. 1. You can use this adress in your navigation system. After reaching Universitätsstr. 1, you have to look for parking at P1 or P2. You can follow the directions on campus to P1 and P2 (In Google Maps you can use an address like P1 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf).

From the east you reach the university from the Hildener Kreuz (motorway junction A 3 / A 46) following the A 46. Leave the A46 in a tunnel (exit Zentrum (city center) / Universität). At the first trafic light turn left into Universitätsstraße. Follow Universitätsstraße to P1 or P2.

From the west you reach Autobahnkreuz Neuss-Süd (motorway junction A 46 / A 57). You follow A46 in direction of Düsseldorf After crossing the river rhine (Fleher Brücke) you take the exit Bilk / Zentrum / Hafen / Benrath. Please follow the directions to Heinrich-Heine-Universität and there to P1 or P2.

From Down Town following Corneliusstraße and Witzelstraße (follow the direction to Wuppertal, A 46), than turn right into Universitätsstraße. Go to P1 or P2.

From P1 walk to the north, in direction of the campus (To the south you will find studend housing) and keep to the right as far as possible. You will pass the Technikzentrale 2 (26.51, building without windows) on your left hand side. (On the campus map some tracks are missing). If you keep to the right, you will arrive at building 26 at 26.42. Turn right in direction of Botanischer Garten (botanical garden) and turn left between building 26.42 and 26.43.

(Attention: Allready at the bridge between 26.41 und 26.42 there is a sign for 26.43, but please do not turn there! For your orientation: in-between buildings 25.41 and 26.41 the pedstrian path goes uphill, please to not turn here, in-between 26.41 und 26.42 you will see a bridge with is in some distance, please to not turn here, in-between 26.42 und 26.43 there is a bridge right in front between the two buildings, please turn here!). In front of building 26.43 there is the ZCL (chemical stock room), which is a provisional solution. This building might help your orientation. please turn left in front of the building.

When you have reached the bridge please go straigt ahead until you reach the second bridge, than turn right. After entering the building you will be in a hallway betwen building  26.33 (left) und 26.43 (right). To the left you will find the stairs and an elevator. Go to floor 00 and exit the stair/elevator and turn left. Take the next turn to the left in order to reach 26.33.00.

Yor walk backwards toward the entrance from P2. After leaving P2 you turn left. You will pass 25.43, 25.42, 25.41, 26.41 und 26.42 (all on your left hand side). Than you turn left between building 26.42 und 26.43 (Attention: Allready at the bridge between 26.41 und 26.42 there is a sign for 26.43, but please do not turn there! For your orientation: in-between buildings 25.41 and 26.41 the pedstrian path goes uphill, please to not turn here, in-between 26.41 und 26.42 you will see a bridge with is in some distance, please to not turn here, in-between 26.42 und 26.43 there is a bridge right in front between the two buildings, please turn here!). In front of building 26.43 there is the ZCL (chemical stock room), which is a provisional solution. This building might help your orientation. please turn left in front of the building.

When you have reached the bridge please go straigt ahead until you reach the second bridge, than turn right. After entering the building you will be in a hallway betwen building  26.33 (left) und 26.43 (right). To the left you will find the stairs and an elevator. Go to floor 00 and exit the stair/elevator and turn left. Take the next turn to the left in order to reach 26.33.00.