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Head of Group

Junior group leader
Dr. Carl-Eric Wegner
Gebäude: 26.32
Etage/Raum: 00.74
0211 81 12824
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Personal Homepage

I'm a trained microbiologist with a background in applied biology, molecular/environmental microbiology, and bioinformatics. I'm driven by my interest in microbial physiology - how do microbes contribute to planetary health and how can we use them to make our life more sustainable? My group's work is centered around lanthanide-dependent microbial metabolism. My broader research interests include top-down / bottom-up microbial carbon cycling, subsurface microbiology, and metal cycling. For our work we follow an embedded omics approach, combining DNA sequencing-based methods with complementary methods, e.g. analytics and advanced electron microscopy, to tackle research objectives from different angles.


Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter
Dr. Zander Human

PHD Students

PhD Student
M. Sc. Linda Gorniak